
By ChrisGroucutt


Woah! 200th blip. Who da thunk it? Having a blast so far, learning a whole bunch, and I'm pretty certain the year won't be hard to see out. Beyond that, who knows?

Apologies for the obvious bit of tinkering with this one. Couldn't help it. The clouds were so beautiful all afternoon (and beyond), that I was set on blipping them, but I waited for hours for the number 200 to form naturally and it just wasn't happening, so I had to get 'shopping'. (I've included the untinkered version, for my own satisfaction & conscience more than anything).

This probably could've been done better by a more skilled person, but hey what do you want for free? It was either this or another cat blip ;) Then again I could've used this. (Joke).

Right I'm off to celebrate with some cheap plonk. £2 bottle. A penny for every blip. Seems apt :)


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