Make A Splash

CC showing how it's done in the deep end.

Mr JC made his debut last night walking.  He can make it 4-5 steps at a time before toppling over or squating down to catch himself.

With all the excitement yesterday, I didn't share a visual moment that I wanted to relay in this poor journal of mine...  I had Mr. JC in my arms in the late afternoon with a beautiful golden light and soft sea breeze looking out over the Mediterranean sea...  the breeze was playing through his sandy strawberry blond hair.  Somehow I could feel the nearness of the future in this little man as the whisps of hair caught the golden sun rays and perfume of the humid salty sea air.  I kept looking into his doey blue eyes and could feel the goodness in his little soul.  I kissed his little head again and again and the tiredness in my arms fell away.  I wish I could have photographed such a moment, but the memory in any case is just as sweet or sweeter.

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