Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Graduation day

The first day of four days of graduation ceremonies at UEA.  Four ceremonies (I think) per day.

It looks like this happy bunch had completed the formal bit of having the degree conferred and were heading down to the edge of the Broad to take some informal photos.

I was a door steward at the final ceremony of the day.  Checking tickets, letting people in, and reassuring them that whilst they could not take their massive cool boxes of picnic fare / pints of beer / suitcases etc into the congregation hall it would be kept safe for them to collect on the way out.

It was all rather lovely, and several groups of people had elected to have picnics rather than go to the ticketed marquee reception.  The weather was picnic-perfect, to be honest.

The only embarrassing thing (and I'm not sure how many people noticed) was a sign in a glass display case outside congregation hall proudly telling students of scholarships and awards which were available.  In 2011 ....  I'll mention it when I get back to work but, for now,
I start my week's holiday.

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