
By LadyYakAlot

The way forward

Popping into Bury at lunchtime for a quick hair trim I decided to have a wander around in the sunshine before heading back to the office. My steps took me pass this sign post which is a favourite spot in town. I love the old style roadsign which looks positively modern placed next to the Abbey Gardens and Cathedral!
The sign is a prompt to me (following a gentle nag from a friend) to move on. Been feeling a bit down re my competence at certain things and the need to lose weight / tone up (with the wedding fast approaching!). So decided to shake the negativity off and get back to positive ways!!! With this thought echoing in my head I was getting changed at home and looking in the mirror I paused ... Maybe just maybe I am looking more toned - yay!!! the gym is paying off!!!!
Onwards and upwards and follow the signpost to your dreams and goals!!!

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