Days like this should be banned

I should have stayed in bed today. Slept in. Got to work and finished the three Annual Plans I had to do for the programs I manage. When I had finished my boss sent me the template they had just received from the government department that funds the program. Why do they a change it every year, ask for stuff that they say I don't need to do and send it out after it is due? They are asking crazy things that can't be answered which just goes to show they have NO idea about things. I should have left the computer off.
Got home with a headache. What to do? As I have finished the jumper for Mum I thought I would hunt around and found a half finished babies jumper that I must have been knitting last year from left over wool.i knitted a sleeve and realised I don't have enough wool to do both sleeves and the bands. So I pulled it undone.
To top it off my husband ate the last of the chocolate.
Oh well tomorrow is another day.

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