Bedside view

Now another load of backblips.  I just hav'nt  felt inspired while N has been away.  This was taken the day before he came home.  He had been on this ward for a few days "rehabilitating".  Fortunately he was given a bed by the large window which opened for fresh air and had a panaromic view of Yeovil.  The others on the ward were interesting people, each with his own story.  The man opposite was elderly, married for 63 years, and used to break into song at every opportunity, melodies from the old musicals.  The man next to him was in his 90's and had had a slight stroke.  He spoke in a very slow deep monotone voice like a foghorn but everyone liked him.  He was originally from London and once sold honey all over the world.  The patient on the other end had fought in the Falkland War, a paratrooper who had lived the States for 20 years and now was recovering alcoholic with a criminal record. But he would help anyone on the ward when needed. The man between him and N was a middle-aged serious drug addict who was going to be sent to Bristol for an operation.  His addiction had damaged his organs and he was very ill.  He and the paratrooper used to disappear from time to time - for a smoke I suspect.  Occasionally, after "lights out" another person used to barge in followed by security men, the honey seller would ask whether he was still alive, and the singer burst into song and after a while all was well!

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