Granddaughter no 5

This is Isabella Mae whom you have met, she is now coming up to nine weeks old. So like Oliva was at this age.

Today we took Emily and we went to visit middle sons wife, Olivia and Isabella. Unfortunately son was working. He didn't get home until nearly 3am last night having undertaken a stocktake at work and he was back in early today :-/

He has had a bad back for a few weeks now, is on painkillers and visiting a physio......I think having four daughters whom he's played with, boisterously, lifted and carried, is taking its toll, together with his physical job, he's feeling it at the mo. This coupled with a new two month old = not a lot of sleep, and Olivia entering the terrible twos and being slightly jealous of a new interloper, all adds up to hard going. We've all been there, tough times, but it won't last forever!

Our visit was to lend a hand! His wife has her hands full with the girls....Emily played with Olivia, we were in charge of th garden, lawns to mow, hedges to cut, flowers to water!

Isabella threw up on Grandad, Olivia is potty training and missed slightly (!) Emily tripped and fell over in the hallway, she did hurt herself a little, but soon forgot about it!

I made lunch, just ham sandwiches for us and the girls, mums trying to loose the last of her baby weight, not much too go now ;-)

We finally left for home around 5.30 which saw us caught up in th rush hour traffic.....Emily was good on he journey which took,longer than normal, so we decided a treat at Macdonalds was in order ;-)

Home, unloaded the car, hub watered our baskets whilst I washed Em's hair and bathed her. Her hair is so thick and long it takes ages to dry it, she was fairly patient ;-) Then it was an hours TV before bedtime.....Monsters Inc again, 4th time in four days!

We have promised her a trip to Southport tomorrow, th funfair beckons! Grandma has to go,on the rides with her, as grandy doesn't like them, and is therefore chief bag and coat holder ;-)

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