A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

101 ways to cook...


I thought I'd post an updated Blip on the allotment and this is how it looks today. To see it nearly exactly 3 months ago look here.

If you look large you'll see the apples on the trees, the raised beds, my pallet chair and my latest bed in the foreground with sweetcorn and courgettes. The blackcurrant bush is currently (no pun intended) covered to stop the birds helping themselves.

I have a lot of courgette plants growing, about 9 or 10, all looking like they'll produce a massive crop.

Reading a monthly magazine here called Kitchen Garden I see courgettes can be a problem. It lists several ways of disposing of the excess including: Order a pizza, whilst waiting cut the courgettes up into cubes, when the pizza arrives eat it, then throw the courgettes into the compost bin... 

Today I picked my first courgettes. I have added my crop as an extra image. I missed a visit to the plot yesterday when I saw one was ready to be picked. Today it had grown so big that it looked like a cucumber! Three others were ready also. 

The total weight of just these four is 1lb 6oz (622g). They are on a full sized dinner plate. I may keep a running total and plan to visit my local electrical retailer to buy a bigger freezer...

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