
By Incredibish

Staying Dry in Gloucester Cathedral

Wow! What a change in the weather! From yesterday's sunshine and blue skies over lavender fields (thanks for all the hearts and stars and lovely comments, folks), to dismal rain and chilly winds.

Today we had Janet and greg_lovett's dad and his sister over for lunch, and we hid from the rain in Gloucester Cathedral, which gave me a chance to try some low light shots. The Green Man and I have had a thing going on for years now, in the woods and in the stonework of the old masons, and the fellow in the cathedral boss is very happy looking down on everyone.

The extras are of the west window and of the tomb of King Edward II. Eddie allegedly came to a rather unfortunate end at Berkeley Castle, although current historians are beginning to reimagine this tale into something far less interesting and unrequiring of a painfully inserted hunting horn and a red hot poker...

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