Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Who would have guessed?

...that I would become so interested in insects and arachnids?  Ive spent most of my life being terrified of spiders and disliking insects. I was never far from a can of insecticide and I was even known to resort to things like oven-cleaner in a pinch.  So what happened???  

Photography, of course.  I find it interesting that my first six blips, back in 2011, were of insects, spiders and caterpillars.  Kind of surprises me, actually - but I guess it was foreshadowing.  Summer is all about the creepy crawly things now ... nothing is safe from me and my macro lens.  I seem to spend inordinate amounts of time poking around in the garden, turning over leaves, looking for critters.  

My poor hubs ... when he met me, I was a sophisticated city girl, living in mid-town Manhattan and drinking cosmos.  Now I can be found behind a camera wearing grubby clothes and a Tilly hat with a shelf full of various field guides ranging from birds to beetles.  It's a wonder he hasn't asked for a new wife!  

So, today's tiny spider is a Northern Crab Spider, measuring an astonishing 1/8 of an inch (or about 1/2 cm if my math is right).  Really, you could just as easily miss this little hunter.  It mostly lurks on flowers and is usually found on the underside of blossoms, patiently waiting for prey.  Today I lucked out and spotted it sitting right out on top of some queen anne's lace ... and I had my macro on the D750!  Kismet.  

So, with apologies to all you arachnophobes, I had to go with the spider today.  Just be glad I didn't blip the huge Yellow Garden Spider (although I can't promise that I won't...just sayin'...) 

Four other pics, starting with a flying hummingbird HERE on Flickr

Hubs and I spent quite a bit of time pottering around outside - getting a planting bed ready, trimming shrubs, and now power-washing (him, not me).  

I've grilled some shrimp that we'll have over a nice Asian salad for dinner tonight.  Then, we'll put our feet up and binge-watch The Following  which we seem to be addicted to at the moment.   

salute, people...

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