Golden Girls

No, they weren't using the buckets for people who had drunk too much, this fabulous pair collected over £600 from Hendstockers for 'Meningitis Now'.
So, another fantastic Hendstock has come and gone. The weather gods were certainly smiling on us as it poured all day Friday, the same forecast for Sunday but Saturday turned out sunny and warm(ish). Hallelujah!!

We were busy all day with our busy band of helpers, putting up gazebos, bunting, lights, lanterns while D and the boys took care of the sound system and staging.

It goes without saying that we couldn't do Hendstock without the considerable amount of help we get from these amazing people. Hendstock just seems to get bigger and better every year. We had a huge amount of varied acts to entertain the audience and the 3 tables laden with food was an unbelievable sight.

Apart from a couple of bouncy castle incidents, there were no injuries and all the children danced and bounced and ran around the garden. Glo- sticks were waved, and whistles and kazoos were blown with gusto.

Here's to Hendstock and to Ian Hendry 'cos as the song says 'It's all about you'.


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