
D's sister, her husband and their younger daughter are here for the week. They have worked their butts off over the weekend, helping us with Hendstock prep and the big clean up afterwards. Poppy loves and admires her big cousin who is ace at giving her hair and make up tips. Poppy is currently sporting green hair and purple lipstick.
It always seems to take a couple of days to get straight again but we're nearly there. D has counted all the donations again and it seems we are nearing the £1600 mark which is absolutely amazing.
Barbecue for dinner which was lovely. 
We still have a bit of a post-Hendstock glow. The house is full of flowers (gifts from happy Hendstockers) and it's been lovely looking through all the fantastic photos and amazing comments on Facebook. 
Back down to earth with a bump tomorrow with a planning meeting for my new teaching post.

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