
Ooops...another Back blip from yesterday!

We had Mr W's Grandaughters Christening to attend. Im not a religious person at all but the Church in Copthorne was very pretty. Ellie who's 3 months was as good as gold as she had cold water poured over her head. Emelia who's 2 wasnt impressed but tolerated having water dabbed on the top of her head.

We then had a little shin dig in the Church Hall. I felt a bit of a larry as I dont have a very close relationship with his family for one reason or another. His youngest Daughter Alex (in the extra photos) made an effort to talk to me and sit with us and we get on well, but the father of the children didn't even acknowledge me. We are probably as bad as each other!

We bought the girls some personalised pictures frames of their names. I was really pleased with them. Good old NotOnTheHighStreetDotCom!

I decided not to take my camera as Mr W's family have a tendancy to delete pictures I put on Social Media so I thought why bother. But half way through the little Hall party I just had to get my camera phone out as it didn't feel right not to take pictures. I do a yearly photobook for Mr W and I and it would have been a shame to miss these pages out. His family don't follow me on Blip so Im sure Im safe to post a few on here! They certainly won't be going on Facebook!

The weather has been dreadful all day so we got home and straight into our PJ's and I spent all after slobbing on the sofa playing with pictures! 

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