Happy Birthday Little Lily. x

Sorry for a late blip - it was a hectic day yesterday and  we got in late. This is my second ever late blip! I won't be making a habit of it!

So, yesterday was my Nieces 5th Birthday Party held at a Gym in Woodly. The kids all appeared to have a great time. I tried to join but failed miserably at climbing a rope so I went back up to the party food and stuffed my face.

The family all gathered back at (step) Mums little bungalow that we all trashed! We all watched Lily open her presents, Mr W tried to fix mums  washing machine, I hung a few pictures for her, DN1's boyfriend ordered Pizza for us all, and DN1 regressed slightly playing with Lilys mountain of 'Frozen' themed presents then the day was apparently finished off by the children finding a wasps nest just after we left. Poor Callum (my 7 year old Nephew) was stung 3 times bless him. Sadly he cant resist interfering with things he shouldn't, but that was a nasty lesson to learn.

The extra pictures are of my step mum with Mr W. A fabulous picture of her as she doesn't tend to photograph well. We joke that she always pulls a 'stroke face'! 

PS - Lily isnt really cross eyed - she just refuses to be sensible!!!!

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