
Went up lunchtime with a Friends Fellow Chicken Owning Mother ( FFCOM!) to see Friend! Discovered French Dweller there too! Then we chatted as she ate lunch and I gave FFCOM a hard time at asking me to join her so we could have a chat, as she felt guilty she only contacted me  when she wanted chicken cover! I gave her a hard time as she had prepared lunch for Friend and not me!!! So made her feel doubly guilty!
Whilst there Friend had a call re her query on her results - she promptly forgot most of what they said to her as soon as she put the phone down! But she has an appointment next week to see what the  implications are of the reduction in number  and size of remaining cancer in lungs and  reduction in bowel. Fingers well and truly crossed.
French Dweller and I came back for lunch then we gathered her mothers dog and Portly to go for a walk on Kit Hill. Decided I needed to do something to occupy my mind in the time before I took Milly back to the vets. Kit Hill was it's usual wild and windy self and it sure cleared the cobwebs! 
Milly has 24-48 hours to show improvement - another type of antibiotics and a jab to reduce her temperature. Vet obviously doesn't think she will improve but thought we could have one final try, and I didn't even think I would be bringing her back alive but hoped I would. She did actually preen herself a little 2 hours after the jab, and Tilly started attacking her - whether this was because she smelt of the vets /was showing more signs of life / was trying to put an obviously weak friend out of her misery. If she is worse tomorrow I will take her back immediately,I have done everything I can and the only thing left now is to be merciful. But if I post and don't comment tomorrow you will know why.
So my blip is the result of trying to process and getting carried away with the sliders in Lightroom just for the hell of it! I rather liked the end result, but also liked the wind swept grasses - but since I have not been silly for a while the madly over processed one it is! 

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