Hanging On

Dear Diary,

I watched one of my cuke plants send out a tiny tendril over a day or two.  It grew and grew and finally reached a green bean stem and curled tightly around it for support.  Did it sense the stem was there or was it mere chance?  I would have said the latter but recently I've begun to feel there is more at work in the lives of plants than we may suspect.

We all need support from time to time but some of us, and I include myself here, sometimes find it hard to reach out for it.  Introverts tend to be solitary creatures.  This little lesson in the greenhouse underscores for me the need to work on these tendrils of connection.  Yesterday was a good illustration of that.

We had plenty of help cleaning the old school house and instead of an odious task, it went quickly and was actually fun.  It was the support of others that made it so.  Many hands make light work and a heart connected to others, even by the thinnest thread, becomes lighter as well.

When we recognize the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection, love is born.
   Thich Nhat Hanh

I've added a little "painted" photo of two butterflies today.  It seemed to work with my theme today of "togetherness".

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