Last day in Wales

Spent the morning packing up the car, the boys went to Newton House to play Badminton and buy fudge.

Simone came with us as she's going to Shoreham to work on their boat.

The brakes failed at Feltham!! Max pulled onto a side road and we called Phil, our friend who is a mechanic and looks after our car, he drove out with his wife Zhara and sons Blake and Drew, the kids went back with Zhara and Phil drove our car back to ours with us.

So now no car again but at least we got away and didn't brake down too far from home.

I walked Simone to the station and saw her off on her way, it's been so lovely spending time with her and Nik.

I chatted to Zahra over a few glasses of wine and Zebedee played with Drew who is 2, he was really good with him and kept him entertained.

A lazy evening in front of the TV.

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