Going Paleo....

A few weeks ago I started to explore the idea of adopting the Paleo way of eating (and life). I realize Going Paleo is very trendy. One of our local book shops is full of Paleo recipe and cookbooks. I gathered up some cookbooks, subscribed to a Paleo blog site, asked the advice of some local Paleo aficionados and then bravely launched into making the change to my eating habits. It is proving to be quite a challenge but I am starting to reap some modest benefits. Breakfast has been a sticking point as I love muesli and other breakfast cereals. But I gathered all the ingredients together and finally made my (first) batch of Paleo-style muesli last night. Paleonola. It is delicious. I sent this photograph off to our offspring to demonstrate my change of eating. Feedback so far shows a depressing level of skepticism. This has heightened my resolve.... I'll show them....

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