Bundy Masterclass

What a lot of fun CCN and I have had today.  We spent the afternoon in her Mum's kitchen learning how to make Coconut Jam Tarts.  Nettie (CCN's Mum) is just about to turn 94 in 6 weeks but still loves to cook.  I have learnt so much from her over the past 13 years of visiting CCN's family in Bundaberg.

The rolling pin in the image has quite a story to tell as it was made for Nettie by her father almost 90 years ago when she was only 5 or 6 years of age.  It would be impossible to add up how many scones, tarts and biscuits etc have been made with the beautifully Wood Turned Rolling Pin. It was such a joy to use and I have to confess it brought a tear to my eye.  

It was a true Masterclass and I was highly amused when in answer to my question - "Nettie how much coconut did you say to use?", reply - "Oh, about a good cup or so.  I don't know I just tell by the look of the mixture".  

This morning I had the joy of sitting quietly with a very, very old exercise book and reading carefully page by page all the wonderful old tried and true recipes that were at the heart of Nettie's cooking.  I love to hear her tell us stories about their early days in Australia.  Having immigrated from Scotland over 60 years ago and finding herself having to work out the mysteries of the good old "Wood Stove".  All in all it has been a day full of nostalgia and the best part is we have 24  oops, at last count 16 coconut tarts left to show for it.

PS - How old would you think that wonderful old cake rack is.  They don't make them like that anymore!!

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