My Best Efforts - Year 3


Future Fun............

These are the seedheads of the common Horse Chestnut tree -
(aesculus hippocastanum). By the time they have ripened they will be about the size of a small tomato - (say 1 and a half inches) and a lovely, shiny golden brown colour.

That's when the fun begins.
Children collect them, drill a hole through the middle and then thread string through the hole They then play a game called "conkers"
Well, they did, but due to 'elf & safety (Health and Safety")regulations, some schools have banned the game unless goggles are worn!!!.....................I'm sorry but children can't be protected against everything. Isn't that just taking safety too far.
Real life is not like that...........must stop 'cos I could go on and on and on and .............

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