The third one ...

A regular blip conversation in our house runs thus:
Me: I can't decide which to blip ...
Mr PP: (without looking) The third one!

So, today, I saved my breath and decided to look which was the third one, and, lo! Mr PP was right; it was the best composition. A bit of honeysuckle as well as the Small Tortoiseshell and the buddleia. Notice anything else? Yes - a BLUE sky! We have sunshine. We have warmth. We have summer!

BTW, to be fair to Mr PP, he just as often does look when I'm struggling to choose my blip. His 'third one' rule developed when he used to go to the US on business trips. From huge menus where do you begin to choose a meal - especially if the dishes are being recited at speed by the waiter? You simply pick the third one!

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