Animals Telling Jokes...Part Two

I'm not sure anybody wanted an encore after those piggie jokes, it is.

This is Buckingham and Beatrice...Buck and Bea for short.

BUCK: "Hey Bea, you mind if I try a few new ones on you?"

BEA: "I'm all ears."

BUCK: "Ha, ha, ha...good one Bea, but I'm the joke teller." Q. What did the rabbit say to the carrot?" A. "It's been nice gnawing you. Ha, ha, ha!!"

BEA: "You're so juvenile."

BUCK: "Wait...they get better." Q. "How is a rabbit like a Q-tip?" A. "They both have cotton tails!! Ha, ha, ha!!"

BEA: "I just love a man who laughs at his own jokes. NOT!!!"

BUCK: "C'mon more." Q. "How are bunnies like calculators?" A. "They can multiply real fast!! Ha, ha, ha!!"

Bea: "I hate to admit it Buck, but I smiled at that naughty little hare." (Wink, wink.)

I went with my daughter and Merrick to a small zoo. I always have conflicting thoughts about zoos, but pictures I did take. See some more pictures on my Flickr page. Some more animals, and a few of Merrick.

The blip could have been a lot worse. I also had "talking" turtles telling jokes.

OK...IF YOU INSIST!!! One turtle joke. Q. Why is Turtle Wax so expensive? A. Because their ears are SOOOO small.


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