Sunrise Without a Coat

As promised, updated my Flickr with some Pinnewala shots -- 

Woke up unexpectedly at 4 a.m.  Maybe it was because I had gone to bed early the night before, like 8 or 9, right after dinner.  It was not the camera that I brought downstairs with me, though, but the computer.  Tallied my Sri Lanka expenses (at 4 a.m.?!? Yes!) while waiting for the WiFi to 'appear', and then I looked out at sea and just knew I had to exchange the laptop for the camera right away.

This shot was hubby's choice.  I had taken about 80 and had chosen an earlier shot taken with maximum zoom aimed at a narrow band of gold between the Pacific Ocean and two huge dark masses of cloud but after I posted it, I wasn't too happy.  It was like looking at a giant building-size advert of a model and then noticing a wrinkle or eyebag that you just couldn't miss.  I did make it my extra shot, though ...

About 10.30, hubby and I set out for a walk into 'town' to get him some new flipflops, a walk of 2.5 km. that took us 1.5 hours.  You have to take your time when it's 35 degrees and you're not used to it.  We found the shop where I bought my flipflops last year and I also bought a kind of wide colander-shaped cover for when you leave food on the table and you don't want the flies to get to it.  Nothing else was done the rest of the day except eat and sleep ... and process my sunrise shots.  Oh yea, hubby swam a bit.

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