the circus needs a ringmaster

we've been missing our little un today, as it was a rest day on the schedule... 

We did exactly that... tried to bank some sleep, cooked up some food to stock the freezer,  picked up some of the bits and pieces that we need for little un... ditched the table from the garden that she keeps banging her head on...

In the meantime we were checking in with the foster carers to see how she is today... definitely under the weather,  still off her food and a bit mopey and lacking in energy... but what was lovely was talking to her on 'face time'...  It's amazing how much kids just grasp technology... not only was she not phased,  but she was happy to see us... we showed her a few bits in the house and talked about what we would do tomorrow and blew lots of kisses... she responded with smiles, giggles and kisses and demanded to know where we had gone when we fell out of frame... 

Our lovely girl is still so new to us, that we're still learning to read her moods and expressions ... I'm feeling reassured  that the slump in demeanour yesterday is related to a virus rather than being due to anxiety...

We're both so completely smitten,  that all we want to do is make her happy and see her enjoying life... 

Hoping that some more rest tonight will help her to recover, but if that's not the case then we'll be ready to cuddle and console tomorrow... 

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