
By LeeAnne

Cabin fever...

Well I still have my appendix, I'm still in one piece, still feeling terrible but I'm surviving. I'm a rubbish patient. It's rubbish being single when you're ill. There's no-one to lavish sympathy or make tea (not that I actually drink/want tea) but you know what I mean.

My blood tests came back and she said I'm normal... not sure how she worked that out but it appears that I don't have appendicitis (this is good) but that I have some sort of viral infection (this is not so good) and that I just have to wait it out. Do you think that's just what they say when they have no idea what's wrong with you? When the doctor called she said that I should make another appointment if I don't feel better by Monday but that if I feel worse over the weekend then I should go to A&E. Same as you told me yesterday then?! *rolls eyes* Then she said that if I went back they'd bang their heads together some more... well that's reassuring, a new form of medical treatment? Still... bright side is that there's no hospital food involved... mind there's not really any food involved at home either. Soup is the most I've forced down, I figured at least then there would be reason for carrots in my puke if it didn't stay down. Why is there always carrots in puke? Even if you've not eaten any carrots? Weird.

So I guess you can all stop worrying... you're welcome still to send grapes though... I could entertain myself firing them at people out the window. Being ill is pretty boring. I've waded through some DVDs that I've not watched, although I'm not sure how clever a choice Grey's Anatomy was with the possibility of losing some of my insides. Thank you for all your kind words yesterday... I'm not sure whether to be pleased about the spotlight visit or not but thanks all the same.

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