
By LeeAnne


Mum... if you're reading this then stop now... I'm a big girl and I'll be grand, enjoy your holiday!

I took this in the docs... after I'd pissed in a sample tube while the doc was away dipping things in it to check I'm not dying. Who invented those sample tubes? Had to have been a man!

It seems I may have appendicitis... although they're not sure which is reassuring. I wasn't in a huge amount of pain before she started poking me, then she got someone else to come and poke me and he sucked his breath in over his teeth, you know like builders do? Then told me that it could be my appendix. I'm dehydrated and have been feeling sick for a few days now. I thought I just had a bug or had eaten something dodgy after the way I was on Monday but it seems not. Now I'm waiting for the results of the blood tests but have to go to A&E if I feel worse. If I'd have been less of a pussy I'd have taken a pic of the blood coming out of my arm but I'm not so I didn't.

So I'm sitting at home, feeling a bit sorry for myself, thinking that I should probably pack a bag or something just in case I need to go to hospital... there are faint pains round my belly button that weren't there earlier... who goes to the docs to get made better and comes out feeling worse?

If I disappear, you'll know I'm living it up in ERI! Send grapes and flowers and nice people to visit me please.

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