Throw the ball, throw the ball, throw the ball....

Oh, I have been such a lazy dazy person today....and I feel all the better for it. I had a lovely, long lie in then read for a while in my pjs. (I finished off a good book...The Dynamite Room by Jason Hewitt) Then I suddenly remembered I had to feed my friend's cats so threw some clothes on and rushed round to give them....lunch ha ha ha. 

I rang Pat at the teashop to see if it was quiet enough for her to sit down for a cuppa if I nipped was, she could, so we did. The sun had eventually managed to squeeze it's way through the clouds so we sat out and had a good chat....whilst the other girls worked around us...hee hee.

I then went along to Pat 2 and sat out in her garden for a chat and another cuppa. Meg was desperate for us to keep throwing a ball for her. I tried to get a decent pic of her but she was only interested in the ball...sigh.

 And that was that, my lazy dazy day. Oh....I nearly forgot, I am just enjoying my second glass of lychee liquor that I was given for my is vodka based and absolutely devine....cheers!!

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