Guernsey Girl

By Katie_Bisson

Time Is A River

Today's Word: expedite

Time is a flowing river. Happy for those who allow themselves to be carried, unresisting with the current. They float through easy days and they live, unquestioning, in the moment - Christopher Morley

I thought I'd add a little quote into my blip today, not sure why, I just felt like it. Quite a nice quote I think... its true.

I decided to blip my watch today, for two reasons. My day went SO fast today. You ever get those days that feel like they're going really quickly? I thought that would make it a topical blip for today.
The other reason is that every time I took my watch off today (which is quite a lot of times because its too big!) it would fold up into this heart shaped position. I say 'my watch' but actually its one of my good friend's watch that I've kind of adopted! Its FAR too big for me, the hands don't more and the glass is cracked, but the friend whose watch is was means a lot to me. I've got used to wearing it all the time now, so despite those things, I wear it every day anyway. Its never made this heart shape on its own before. I'm a very superstitious kind of person, so I keep thinking maybe it means something...

Anyway! Thats why I've blipped such an odd image today!

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