Guernsey Girl

By Katie_Bisson

Rest In Peace Mrs Brache

Today's Word: somber

It has been a very strange, sad and quiet day today.
The lovely Mrs Brache, a German and French teacher at my school, collapsed in her chair while teaching on Tuesday morning. She had a brain aneurism and was in such a critical condition, that her family decided to take her off the life support machine on Thursday night and donated her healthy organs to help others.
She was only a month away from retirement and going travelling with her husband, and a few weeks away from her daughter's wedding.

It was announced in an urgent assembly this morning (Friday). All the teachers were crying, so we had all figured out what it was about. Some lovely words were said before returned to have a 'normal school day' but that didn't happen. We didn't end up going to many lessons, and even if we did we were let out early or allowed to spend the rest of it doing something enjoyable or relaxing. Everyone was just so upset all day, teachers and students alike, and although hardly anyone spoke all morning, I felt it really brought our school together.

So - Rest In Peace Mrs Brache, you will never be forgotten. You were such a kind hearted and thoughtful person that I gladly knew. You introduced and welcomed me into the school when you were my tutor in Year 7. You truely will be missed and may you rest in peace, you will always be a part of my heart <3

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