Out exploring

We woke up to be surprised to see the sun as we thought the morning was going to be cloudy and wet.
Decided to have a bit of a lay in and have breakfast at 8.30am. The beds were so comfortable and the area was very quiet and the room the right temperature which is always hard to get right when we're away.
I had an Arbroath Smokie , ( a kind of salted smoked haddock) had to really seeing as we were staying in Arbroath, with Tomatoes and a pate with oat cakes. It was very good.
We set off to find the shop where blipper Apothecary7 works and popped in to say Hello. Lovely to see her and look forward to a longer chat in a few weeks time .
We drove up the road and came across Keptie Pond. The sun was still out and it was very warm. We enjoyed a walk around the pond looking at all the ducks and the two heron that were hiding in some branches. Lots of baby Moorhen and coot. There was a family of funny Mallards, black headed gulls sat on the railings, two swans with three big cygnets glided  by and a smaller duck, which I will have to look up, came to the surface covered in pondweed.
We went to see the Signal tower which was a tower that could communicate with the Bell Rock Lighthouse over 11 miles away by raising a large metal ball on the top  the same apparatus was built on the lighthouse. It is also said that if a baby was born in the lighthouse a pair of trousers or a dress would be raised to let everyone know a shore whether it was a boy or girl. It now houses a Museum but unfortunately it was shut on a Monday. We could just see the lighthouse so the telescope they used must have been very powerful.
We walked along to the Harbour which was full of a variety of boats.  One boat looked like it had recently been painted and on another one a man was busy giving it some TLC which it needed badly as most o the paintwork was stripped away.
I really fancied an icecream so Mike went to buy us one from the pink shop in the photo. I had a raspberry ripple one which was very tasty. I had only eaten half when a cheeky seagull swopped down and took it out of my hand, that was the end of my icecream !
Looked around the outside o the Abbey and then headed for Fife. Stopped for a walk at Tentsmuir  Forest and beach and then on to Crail where we stayed the night in a little hotel with a wonderful view of the sea.
Wandered around the very quaint village taking lots of photos and had chicken curry in the chippy. We ate inside !!! such A beautiful day, we were very lucky !

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