Pink Trio

It rained again today - all day - so didn't go far.  However, I did manage to find my way to that fruit shed again and buy some more cherries, rasps, strawberries and blueberries.  No need for the honesty box today, as there was a real live person taking the money:-)

Most of the flower shots I post on here are taken in the back garden, but I noticed these blooms out front as I dashed out to the car in the rain, so they are my blip for today. 

Used the wet weather productively by finishing my MOOC on "Literature of the English Country House" and managed to get 100% in the end of course test, so something went in:-)  It's been an interesting course, though not my favourite and I do feel there's a danger in over-analysing literature to the point of losing the sheer enjoyment of it!

As I write this (at 6.30 pm), the sun is struggling to come out.  Better late than never:-)

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