Sittin ida Sun

Been another lovely sunny and warm day.  There's been that unusual wind again, it's fairly warm :)

It's been a very annoying day in the office, looking out the window to the beautiful day outside and being stuck indoors.  I have managed to get out and about now and again and enjoyed a slow pleasurable walk at lunchtime :)  When I was out at lunchtime, I passed Ingrid's plant shop and ended up walking out with a Rowan for the garden. I've manged to get it planted too :)  There was no trees in my garden when I moved in, now I have 7 sycamores, a rowan, a horse chestnut, a Norwegian maple, a woolly willow and my favourite, a laburnum :) 
After tea and it's time to run down to the pub to work.  I'm not getting much time to enjoy the nice day but still great to see the sun :)

Whilst out walking about Lerwick, there was plenty of people to chat with :)  I bumped into friends Maurice Irvine and Keiba Clubb.  They have been enjoying the day too and enjoying a coffee out on the Esplanade, along with others further along.  Great to see folk making the most of the fine day, even if I haven't been out much myself :)  Taken at the Esplanade, Lerwick.  

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