Plus ça change...

By SooB


A day for feeling a bit desiccated.  Rubbish night's sleep inspired by the 752 bites inflicted on me during yesterday's work.  All my own fault for not wearing gloves - but let me just say that having bites between each finger and all over your hands and forearms does not make for a comfortable experience when your airless bedroom is about 40 degrees.  Despite podcasts of the most dull subjects imaginable, I couldn't get back to sleep and eventually got up at half six.  

TallGirl was off earlyish (well, early for us this holiday) to riding camp for a couple of days, so I ferried her up there, then wandered the hoover around the house a bit until it was time to go into town to pick up CarbBoy's sleepover pal.  Some market and bread shopping and home.  And that, aside from meals, was all I really saw of them all day.  Between devices, the telly and the computer (and a scary sounding screaming gun game upstairs that I chose to stay out of) they seemed to amuse themselves.

Several neighbour boys showed up too, and even a boy I'd never met before who was possibly someone's cousin (?).  I think they come because our house is cooler than the other houses, and I'm fairly free and easy with fizzy drinks and snacks.  

After dinner I mostly wandered around like a mournful labrador who knows one of the family is missing (happily I don't do this when just Mr B is away or it would be practically a full time occupation).  Hopefully TallGirl will turn out to be an awful teenager so by the time she leaves home I'll be glad to see the back of her.  Somehow I doubt it though.  Three baskets of ironing and lots of podcasts distracted me from the missing folk, while the boys howled and giggled their way through a series of minecraft deaths.

Finally I have turfed them off to bed, and will very shortly be following them.  Long day.  Hottest yet too I think.  I couldn't understand why the birds weren't making use of the lovely bird bath I hung for them... until I went out and felt the temperature of the water.  If it's this hot tomorrow I'll put some ice cubes in for them.

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