Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

DRGW Railroad country

OK - maybe not a blip of a train, or of my layouts.  But we hiked up the Colorado Trail today to look at the wild flowers.  Maybe the best flowers we have seen in the last 20 years thanks to the rain we had in May - the wettest May on record.  So how does the DRGW fit in?  Well - the line between Durango and Silverton runs up the valley on the other side of the "V" in the top of the blip.  

The trail we are on runs from Denver to Durango, a distance of 486 miles. We caught it at Molas Pass n highway 550.  If we go south on the trail from our lunch spot, , we would reach Durango in about 20 miles or so.  We are day-hikers so a nice 6 mile round trip with just over 1000 feet of climb was perfect.  Lunch was eaten at 11,500 feet of elevation - but no trains.  Blue sky day, cool breeze, perfect trail - life is good.

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