
By BikerJim

~Roadside Rememberance~

~Gone, But Not Forgotten~

This is one of many memorials that line the roads of the Southwest United States. Set here by friends of the dearly departed to mark the place where their friend or relative took leave of this world. Some are very elaborate, while others are less so. I've seen some that have this red ribbon attached, it signifies that during road construction the memorial was moved rather than discarded. These are not just some roadside curiosity, but a memorial held in high regard by travelers, friends, construction workers and photographers.

On a happier note, I made it to Socorro, New Mexico. Old #9 ran well, what hoot to be in the saddle and on the road again! Had my greatly anticipated dinner at El Sombrero Mexican restaurant. A plate of beef enchiladas smother in red chilies, with a side of refried beans and rice, bread rolls covered with honey and a bottle of Carta Blanca beer!
Ahhhh, life is good!

Back home tomorrow, God willing and the river don't rise.


Edit: Hey, four posts in a row,
am I doing good or what?
And this was posted on the road,
from my iPad and my new trusty G12 Canon.
I am pleased with the results ;o)

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