Journey Through Time

By Sue

Cabbage Patch

You will have to visit my Flickr page to see if you agree with my choice.  I didn't get a lot of photos from our trip to Sauvie Island (in Oregon) today, but I got several that I really liked. Oh and you will see a swan, which was sitting in some water at the state wildlife place.  I don't know why it was there.   This did NOT end up being anything that I thought I would see.  We (Bill and my aunt) went to get peaches and have an outing to the lovely farming community of Sauvie Island.  When we got to the place to get our peaches, this wonderful cabbage field was spread out before me, and wow!  I had to get photos of this, for sure.  If you travel to my Flickr page you will see the farm stand and the lady and her granddaughter who were there selling us our U-Pick peaches.  I got such a kick out of it, because the granddaughter was 'fixing" grandma's hair and she had quite the hairdo.  Grandma was such a good sport.   She was a 3rd generation Sauvie Island resident. This property has been in her family for many years.

I wanted to find Sturgeon Lake and honestly, I think it's hiding from me.  We were in the right area, but we ended up on a nature trail but it was much too long for all of us (like my 86 year old aunt) to walk it.  We ended up looking around a cow pasture and then returned to our car.  A mom was there with her two kids, and her little girl, Grace,  was not exactly in love with the natural world.  Mom wanted to have a nice picnic and the girl would shriek every time a bee got near her. The last thing we heard as we were walking back down the trail was her mom yelling at Grace, "WILL YOU QUIT SCREAMING!!"   Other than that, it was quite a nice place.  Maybe another time I will figure out how to get to that darn lake.

We had lunch in the St. Johns neighborhood, where our son used to live. Then we took the scenic route through the city to get to my aunt's place, unloaded her peaches and cantaloupe that she bought and then headed for home, just in time for the evening commute.  So, that took us awhile. And now we have some lovely summer peaches and I will have to figure out something wonderful to do with them.

It was a great day, weather wise too.  A lovely, perfect day.  Hope your's was too.  (I added two back blips.....just arrow back!  :)  )

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