Little Lord Fauntleroy

Well, not exactly. I actually haven't named him. But he does seem to be a bit spoiled and a tad overfed at this point. He is still in the nest being waited on beak and claw by his hard working mother. In fact he now decides just how much food he wants to take before getting on with the next part of the day. Today his mother fed him and half way through he wouldn't open his mouth for her. She tried awhile and then gave up and flew away. Meanwhile he is looking a bit fat. But really he is puffed up to stay warm. At least I think that is what he is doing. It was quite chilly in the park today.

I was certain that when I stopped at the park on the way home from Open Studio, I would find an empty nest. But as you can see by this frame from today's video, the nest was far from empty. There he was. And after Mom fed him he spent several minutes sitting up on the edge of the nest. I actually thought I might catch him flying off in my video. No such luck. It seems like he is all fluffed out and ready to go. Though in truth, if he's following the official schedule, he should not fledge until Saturday. I am pretty sure he hatched three weeks ago this last Wednesday and what I read said they fledge in three weeks and three days or so. He does look ready for sure. He has his feathers and just a few pinfeathers on his back.

Arvin and I leave tomorrow morning for a weekend with my brother and sister-in-law and some of their Seattle friends at the Sandpiper Beach Resort. It will probably rain all weekend but we'll have fun talking, laughing, walking on the beach in the rain and enjoying the sea air. Before we go I'm making one more visit to the park to see the baby. My good friend Lynn who lives near the park will stop in to check on him and let me know when he leaves the nest. I don't expect him to be there when I get back down to the park on Monday. It's been just wonderful seeing him and his mom and making videos of them. I'll post today's when it gets loaded on Vimeo.

Today's video.

Update June 15 at 8:15 a.m. My friend Lynn sent me an email. He is gone! He has flown away. He seemed so ready yesterday and now he's gone. I'll miss the little dude. So delighted I had the opportunity to document his babyhood. Thanks to all who so faithfully followed him on my journal.

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