Thank You, Jon Stewart

Who ever thought that a "fake news show" on Comedy Central would become not only my news show of choice, but during election seasons the only news I can stand to watch. .As host, Jon Stewart takes on the real issues of the day, sometimes looking at them from a unique angle, sometimes skewering politicians, never afraid of sacred cows, polls or talking points. After trying to make sense of our dysfunctional government and our ineffectual politicians, it has been such a relief to see him  take them on with humor, but also with conviction and sometimes genuine anger. He is smart, well informed and fearless.

Tonight is his last show, and I will weep at the thought that I won't have him around, now that we are moving into yet another ridiculous, maddening,  embarrassing election season, to put things in the right moral perspective. I don't blame him for wanting to move on to something new after 15 years as anchor of The Daily Show, but I will certainly miss him. Good luck, Jon, and thank you for making me laugh when I felt like flying into a rage or emigrating….

We are getting the tail end of a tropical storm, carried northward from Baja California by the fickle jet stream. The skies are white hot and cloudy, the air is heavy with breathless humidity, and nothing is stirring outside. I have confined myself to shots through the window of the goldfinches  in our little fountain. Even they, usually quite peaceable, were cranky and testy (see extra). I rather liked this little fellow so clearly enjoying the water.

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