A Favourite Tree

"I've gone round the bend," I proudly declared to The Man as I got up."No, no, that's the wrong expression. I've turned the corner", i quickly corrected.

What I haven't mentioned in my post is that I haven't felt too good for a few weeks. Night's lying awake coughing and days spent sneezing with a bit of a headache. I had thought that my constant sensitivity dealt with by anti-histamines through the year had become unbearably worse during this hay-fever season. The pills could do nothing to give me relief.

This morning I had the realisation that what I had was just a common cold. Problem solved. Continuing the anti-histamines but adding paracetamol to help combat the effects of the cold.

I'm now much better! Just as well. I needed to be on top form for telling the firm off about yesterday's missed delivery, shopping and packing.

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