have a break...

have a kit kat... (I'm having to hide chocolate from little un, so I'm having to model good behaviour and limit my intake of sweet stuff, in other words sneaking it after she's in bed... )

Tonight I'm shattered ... 
more of the proper mum stuff today...  again little un woke up a few times in the night and then woke up at 5:20 this morning...   Plus,  I'm coming down with her cold... so I'm feeling a bit wiped out... 

Fortunately Dave let me have a nap this afternoon,  and somehow managed to talk little un into doing the same thing... so she's in bed a bit later tonight, which hopefully means she might sleep a bit longer in the morning...  Not sure yet how I'm going to manage when Dave goes back to work after his paternity leave... but we will somehow... 

Other positives from today
she ate more than I've seen in several days... 
we went to the park and played on the slide, the swings and the see-saw
She had a smile a mile wide when I let her have some nutella on toast this evening as pudding... (she doesn't normally eat bread, so this seemed to be a result for both of us) 
we're all getting physically more comfortable with each other, I can pick her up and do other stuff at the same time,  and she moulds in to go to sleep which is a really important thing, because it means she's using us to feel secure. 

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