All change

My Mother has MSA (multiple systems atrophe) and needs help with everything now which has become increasingly difficult for her partner and carer Gerry who is 88 and has recently hurt his back and now needs a lot of help himself.
My Mum has had a carer going on in the mornings for a short while and we all recently decided she would go into a nursing home near me however Everything suddenly came to a head and through her amazing social worker a placement has been found in a lovely home in Sussex until I can find the right place near me.
Max, the boys and I went down to tell her, my brother in law Jon was there looking after her as Gerry was having tests, she took the sudden news very calmly and we set about packing a few things.
She spoke to Gerry on the phone and they told each other they loved each other, they really have stayed together as long as possible, it was very moving and tears were shed.
Jon took the boys to my sister's and Max and I took her to the nursing home and settled her in. Everyone is lovely and her room is nice, the home itself has a nice atmosphere, is very clean and modern and has a garden and is near the sea, there are outings every day which Mum was keen to take part in.
She ate a massive plate of spaghetti bolognese which smelled delicious.
Then my brother Tom pictured here turned up about 8 with his friend Ady, they will also visit tomorrow and Sunday.
I feel terribly sad and it's been an extremely difficult day but I am also immensely relieved and so is Gerry who can now concentrate on getting well.
I can now take my time and find the right long term place near me.

Its our 17th wedding anniversary and my sister Alexandra and Jon invited us all to stay with them and made us a lovely lamb and aubergine casserole and rice and plied us with wine.

Max and the boys, Gerry's family, my Aunt Jojy and husband Chris, my brother, cousin Sophie, cousin Rachael, Jon and Alex and my friends have been invaluable support, thankyou everyone, it's the best outcome of a very sad and difficult situation.

The photo shows Mummy and Tom at the home posing for me, I do think she is happy however and we all know she is being looked after which is the main thing. I haven't shared about this situation but it's been going on for a while and I literally feel that a weight has been lifted as everything has been on hold.

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