Parke St Katoomba

This is a view of Parke St, Katoomba. The right side of the street is principally lined by shopping mall entrances but the thing which looms largest is the magnificent, historic Carrington chimney which dates from 1912 and was part of the original, privately owned power station which supplied electricity to the town.

Despite the modern cars and recently constructed buildings, the influence of the chimney and the unsightly telegraph poles along the left side of the street manage to give an antique look to the scene I feel. The Silver Efex monochrome posting is actually pretty neutral but out of sheer bone idleness I applied the "gradND (EV -2)" preset to the master image to see what difference it made (see extra). I'd be interested to find out if you might have preferred the alternative.

As a matter of interest I have previously created "framing mats" from scratch using Photoshop Elements " Layer Style" options - where every parameter is manually adjusted to taste. Today's mats are semi automated by the effects menu, this time using a drop shadow instead of a bevel. Thought you might be interested.

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