
By Madchickenwoman

Chasing my tail!

I seemed to spend today chasing my tail – until finally I caught it! But not in a good way!
I woke to my mobile alarm, turned it off and relished the 10 extra minutes before the next alarm clock  went off. This was a 7 am. At 8.30 I woke! Jumped out of bed, threw on clothes, and went down to feed animals and make myself a George Clooney. I glanced at the kitchen clock to make sure time wasn't rushing on – well it had – 10.30!! Realised that I had not reset the alarm clock when the electricity had tripped and I was well late for the allotment chickens! Rushed up there like a mad thing and the girls spent the next 30 minutes clucking at me to show how disgusted and angry they were at me! They even crowded into the coop as I was trying to clean it to make sure I heard them loud and clear! Once everything was clean and they had settled down I picked them some blackberries to say sorry! 
So home, washing put on and shower for me and time for Portly’s walk. It was a blissful summers day, flying ants everywhere! We called up to Friend after our walk to see what she fancied for tea. On the way back I noticed water running down the lane and discovered it was by my neighbours water mains – lifting the cover discovered it was full but the water was actually trickling out of the bottom of her step, flowing downhill and into the cover. I checked her garden – no sign of water. Once Portly was home I rang the water board to report it and gave them her son's number. I am on a meter but have insurance so whether the problem is also affecting me either the water board or my insurance will cover it! I hope!
So, off to the shops! Food for me and sister, food for me and friends tea, food for Gunther, chickens and  fish! Driving back into the village realised I had not bought greens as a treat for the girls, so turned round and went back to the roadside stall. Which is where I met my tail - or rather the newly finished low wall met my rear bumper and smashed my light and took a chunk out of the wall! Found the owner's father who  told me not to worry and to come back the next day to speak to his son and the owner of said wall! Looking at it on my return to the car realised the wall that flanks the entry to their driveway is not straight or even the same length on each side, the one I reversed into to avoid parking over their driveway is coming out at an angle and further than the other one - and since it is so low and I was looking at how far I was from the van behind me, I had missed this fact! Stupidly built if you ask me!!
So home, unpack food, put more washing out, grab food and up to friends to cook! By this time quite a headache was developing! After much needed food and a great catch up, back up to chickens!!!
i have to ask myself why, since I am retired, my day felt like an endless set of tasks on a time limit!!! i should have been happily mooching through an average day of chores! particularly as I was in fact in such a good mood and just happy to be! I decided my move down south all those years ago, to a place where I knew no one, was the best thing I could have done and arguably the best decision I have ever made! I have made some howlers in my time but this was not one of them. But not checking my clock and turning round to get greens for the chickens were perhaps not my best decisions today!!

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