Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ohhhhhhhh bless them

How lovely.... Eve brought this home from school today for me and I am so delighted ..
I am also in bed ... We did the Fathers day sales trolley today at school and it wears me out !! HOW do people work ?? How do you not keel over ?? I am lifeless .. Lay supine ... Shattered ...

However I do have a tiny rant .. Look,why is it bizarre if a man says he is not interested in football ? People actually think Mr W is teasing them when he says he has no interest AT ALL .. We have never watched the world cup let alone this one that's on what ever it's called .. But people are shocked by this .. Well FOR GODS SAKE GET A FUCKING GRIP !!! If he says he does not like it he does not like it .. He has not just confessed to slaughtering babies or kittens ... Humans are odd.. No wonder I despise so very many of them ...
I can't abide Wimbledon either .. but I love Cricket,Rugby and The Olympics and SO WHAT ?? Do any of you care ?? No .. Good .. That's how it should be ;)

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