A Question of Scale

Went down to the beach on the way home after football. (A close-fought game - we had the extra man but they had the advantage of a strong wind at their backs and we were playing into the sun. Ended up all square - I got one pleasing long-range half volley that I just caught perfectly as if was only half-clears towards me.) Anyway, the strong sunlight on the sand reminded me of a Swissair poster that we used to have up on the wall in Forrest Road a long time ago which had an aerial photograph of the Sahara desert taken by Georg Gerster. It was taken from an aeroplane and yet the patterns in the sand could be just below your feet, until you realised those little spots were trees in an oasis and not bits of seaweed. Glad we've got our internet back, after a few days hiatus - First World Problems again :-) 

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