Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Standing Above the Wilson

{ another back blip from sunday, august 9, 2015 }

Here is the view from a walkway looking straight into the Wilson River which runs through the Tillamook State Forest, which, until 1973, was called the Tillamook Burn.

If you ever take the road from Portland and head west into the city of Tillamook, Oregon (as in makers of cheese, ice cream) you absolutely must stop at the Tillamook Forest Center which houses a beautiful interpretative and educational center showcasing the story of the devastating series of forest fires which began in 1933 and continued to strike at six year intervals decimating over 355,000 acres of forests, along with the amazing story of one of the world's largest reforestation projects which returned the area to its present sea of green. 

It's an incredible story.

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