
By HelsWels79

Meet Titch

Holy moly she gave us a shock. Contractions began in the night but I slept through some of them so wasn't positive it was labour (denial). We came to hospital at 5am and was 2cm, then suddenly I couldn't handle the pain of walking to the labour ward, worried my pain threshold barrier was massively poor and doubting how I'd ever get through labour. Made it to the delivery suite with enough time to take off my knickers and she shot out surprising everyone. Thankfully one of the midwives was on it and caught her!

The placenta wasn't so speedy so I ended up drugged up, numb from the boobs down and a little giddy, chuckling to myself "I can't feel my legs" as they were akimbo in the air. It took a doctor and consultant to get it all out. Bleugh.

Great news is Neave is wonderful, she went to theatre around midday and was operated on by Alex Turner (not of Arctic Monkeys fame). He managed to put all her bowels back in!

I'm desperate to hold her and feed her but have to sit tight and wait till the time is right.

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