L92 simmers in the deepening dusk at Bodiam

Visiting locomotive L92 (From London Transport and featured last Monday) waits to depart from Bodiam back to Tenterden at the head of the Kent and East Sussex Members Special. Organised by the Railway as a thank you to all its working volunteers the trip included a barbeque, cheap beer, this special working and the Invicta Jazz Band performing in the station car park at Bodiam.

It was an excellent evening, with at least 200 people enjoying the railway and providing friendly company. The return journey was completed in darkness and accompanied by a fantastic display of pyrotechnics from the chimney of L92 as it worked up the banks, particularly the 1 in 52 stretch up to Tenterden. Wave after wave of sparks and glowing cinders drifted past the carriages much to the entertainment of all on board who greeted the dispay with cheers and admiration for the drivers; you could see why there have been so many lineside fires this dry summer.

The additional shot is of Tenterden signalbox as we were leaving the station to return home. Lit against the dark background, this scene could have been 100 years ago, except for the signalman in the high vis vest to the right.

The trip was the highlight of the day but other things went on too. Susan was up with her mum who hasn't been too well in the last few days. I errected another fence panel by the back gate to smarten up that area mainly by hiding the weeds and detritus outside our neighbour's front door. We did find time for a walk this afternoon - we had to forego the usual Friday visit to the gym.

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