The Crayfish Party

The things you have to put up with. But it was grandma's birthday, and she was hosting the crayfish party, so I consented to wearing a ridiculous hat for a couple of moments, just to make her and everybody happy.

An even larger platter of crayfish than the last time was at the centre of the table, that had been decorated with a crayfish patterned tablecloth. Lanterns the shape of the moon were hanging in the window, and the humans wore even sillier hats and bibs. I could hardly believe my eyes.

And then we partied. It took them a long time, partly because every now and then everybody had to sing schnapps songs. Like "The whole of it goes, sing hop father Allan Allan ley!" Making no sense at all. In the end I got some tiny bits of crayfish and some cheese, so I was happy, even if I don't understand all the fuss.

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