Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Husband spent most of the day collecting and stacking the silage bales in our yard, one at a time!!! I did some housework and baking and then had Fiona and Ben down for some training. I had had a very upset message from her on Friday as for the first time ever he had gone and chased sheep. Quite rightly she wanted this nipped in the bud. The session went really well and Fiona had him loose off lead in amongst my sheep and he was ignoring them and listening to her.

It was such a lovely day that I suggested to husband we pack up the pick up and head down to the farm beach to camp overnight. That we did and it was a lovely evening with a lovely light for taking photos. I took soooo many and couldn't decide which to Blip. I liked this one of Breagh and the view beyond.

18c 3 mph SSE warm sunshine.

Extra of Rusty.

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